Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chapter 1 - Part 2: So, Why a Blog?


What kind of word is that? According to Wikipedia (a good quick reference, but not to be taken as gospel truth), a blog is a combination of the words web and log.

Blog. Blog. Blog. Saying it three times really fast makes my cheeks puffy and loose. It’s not good to be doing that regularly at my age – my skin is getting loose fast enough.

… web logging – not much better …

Blogs usually involve personal commentaries, much like a diary, except they are open to public commentary. Posting your thoughts on a subject and then opening that up to the world to see and allowing people to leave comments seems a bit scary! More than a bit! This is completely different than margin notes in a book! Yikes! Well, we will see how this goes …

And blogs are popular. According to Blog Pulse (online blogging community), as of February 16, 2011, there were over 156 million blogs in existence!! WOW!

So, why a blog?

Well, I love to tell stories. In fact, cousin Wayne told me, “If you write half as good as you talk, you’ll have a best-seller.” Ha! We’ll see how this goes.

I’m not too interested in sitting down to write a best-seller. I can’t sit still long enough to do that! So, the next best option seemed to be a blog. And I just wanted to share some of my stories about life as a second rate farm wife. This way, if you too are thinking about being a farm wife, you will know how to avoid being second rate!

Hey! And if you are already a farm wife, you could send tips my way (thus the interactive part of the blog!).

And if you are the farthest thing from being a farm wife … well, just sit back and enjoy the stories!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 1 - Part 1: The Background

As you can tell by my title, I am NOT the Martha Stewart of farm wives! I am more like the Lucille Ball of the country, except without the great lips and hair. And I have never aspired to be the superwoman of rural living – I have a lot of other good skills that unfortunately don’t transfer to farm living.

But sometimes, I think things would be easier if I weren’t teetering on last place. So, I decided to put a “feel good” spin on things and rate myself in second place (thus, the title). Not bad considering the stories I am about to share with you. You might disagree with the rating and wonder if I even qualify for a participation badge. I will leave that to you to decide. Second feels good though, so don’t burst my bubble just yet please …

Although I was raised in a small town (population 138 in the year before I graduated), being a farm wife was not one of my post-high school goals. I didn’t check off “farm wife” in the list of future career possibilities. Not even close! I was looking to catch the first ride out of Dodge and to never look back.

See the world!
Travel to exotic locations!
Meet fascinating new people!
I know some of you also had those same dreams. The “I-am-never-coming-back-here, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die” kind of dreams.

In fact, when my dad used to try and convince me to drive a tractor, I would say, “I am never marrying a farmer so that isn’t a skill I am going to need, dad.”

Boy, was I wrong.

Life, being the way it is, is full of twists and turns with the path suddenly veering off unexpectedly. (Sort of like my driving … but that will have to wait for another time.)

I did marry a farmer. I did move back to my roots. I am raising a family here.

And I love it.

Go figure.

But …
After 20 years, I am still not that good at being a farm wife.