Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 1 - Part 1: The Background

As you can tell by my title, I am NOT the Martha Stewart of farm wives! I am more like the Lucille Ball of the country, except without the great lips and hair. And I have never aspired to be the superwoman of rural living – I have a lot of other good skills that unfortunately don’t transfer to farm living.

But sometimes, I think things would be easier if I weren’t teetering on last place. So, I decided to put a “feel good” spin on things and rate myself in second place (thus, the title). Not bad considering the stories I am about to share with you. You might disagree with the rating and wonder if I even qualify for a participation badge. I will leave that to you to decide. Second feels good though, so don’t burst my bubble just yet please …

Although I was raised in a small town (population 138 in the year before I graduated), being a farm wife was not one of my post-high school goals. I didn’t check off “farm wife” in the list of future career possibilities. Not even close! I was looking to catch the first ride out of Dodge and to never look back.

See the world!
Travel to exotic locations!
Meet fascinating new people!
I know some of you also had those same dreams. The “I-am-never-coming-back-here, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die” kind of dreams.

In fact, when my dad used to try and convince me to drive a tractor, I would say, “I am never marrying a farmer so that isn’t a skill I am going to need, dad.”

Boy, was I wrong.

Life, being the way it is, is full of twists and turns with the path suddenly veering off unexpectedly. (Sort of like my driving … but that will have to wait for another time.)

I did marry a farmer. I did move back to my roots. I am raising a family here.

And I love it.

Go figure.

But …
After 20 years, I am still not that good at being a farm wife.

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